I was refactoring some old code and came across the following line of code to convert bytes to GB.
decimal GB = KB / 1024 / 1024 / 1024;
/// Function to convert the given bytes to either Kilobyte, Megabyte, or Gigabyte
/// Double -> Total bytes to be converted
/// String -> Type of conversion to perform
/// Int32 -> Converted bytes
public static double ConvertSize(double bytes, string type)
const int CONVERSION_VALUE = 1024;
//determine what conversion they want
switch (type)
case "BY":
//convert to bytes (default)
return bytes;
case "KB":
//convert to kilobytes
return (bytes / CONVERSION_VALUE);
case "MB":
//convert to megabytes
return (bytes / CalculateSquare(CONVERSION_VALUE));
case "GB":
//convert to gigabytes
return (bytes / CalculateCube(CONVERSION_VALUE));
return bytes;
catch (Exception ex)
return 0;
/// Function to calculate the square of the provided number
/// Int32 -> Number to be squared
/// Double -> THe provided number squared
public static double CalculateSquare(Int32 number)
return Math.Pow(number, 2);
/// Function to calculate the cube of the provided number
/// Int32 -> Number to be cubed
/// Double -> THe provided number cubed
public static double CalculateCube(Int32 number)
return Math.Pow(number, 3);
//Sample Useage
String Size = "File is " + ConvertSize(250222,"MB") + " Megabytes in size"