Can anyone suggest Go container for simple and fast FIF/queue, Go has 3 different containers: heap
, list
and vector
. Which one is more
Most queue implementations are in one of three flavors: slice-based, linked list-based, and circular-buffer (ring-buffer) based.
The ring-buffer based queue reuses memory by wrapping its storage around: As the queue grows beyond one end of the underlying slice, it adds additional nodes to the other end of the slice. See deque diagram
Also, a bit of code to illustrate:
// PushBack appends an element to the back of the queue. Implements FIFO when
// elements are removed with PopFront(), and LIFO when elements are removed
// with PopBack().
func (q *Deque) PushBack(elem interface{}) {
q.buf[q.tail] = elem
// Calculate new tail position.
q.tail =
// next returns the next buffer position wrapping around buffer.
func (q *Deque) next(i int) int {
return (i + 1) & (len(q.buf) - 1) // bitwise modulus
This particular implementation always uses a buffer size that is a power of 2, and can therefore compute the bitwise modulus to be a little more efficient.
This means the slice needs to grow only when all its capacity is used up. With a resizing strategy that avoids growing and shrinking storage on the same boundary, this makes it very memory efficient.
Here is code that resizes the underlying slice buffer:
// resize resizes the deque to fit exactly twice its current contents. This is
// used to grow the queue when it is full, and also to shrink it when it is
// only a quarter full.
func (q *Deque) resize() {
newBuf := make([]interface{}, q.count<<1)
if q.tail > q.head {
copy(newBuf, q.buf[q.head:q.tail])
} else {
n := copy(newBuf, q.buf[q.head:])
copy(newBuf[n:], q.buf[:q.tail])
q.head = 0
q.tail = q.count
q.buf = newBuf
Another thing to consider is if you want concurrency safety built into the implementation. You may want to avoid this so that you can do whatever works best for your concurrency strategy, and you certainly do not want it if your do not need it; same reason as not wanting a slice that has some built-in serialization.
There are a number of ring-buffer based queue implementations for Go if you do a search on godoc for deque. Choose one that best suits your tastes.