I\'m having difficulty finding a clear-cut, practical explanation for what is the correct way to leverage browser caching to increase page speed.
According to this
Is this correct?
Yes, Expires and max-age do the same thing, but in two different ways. Same thing with Last-Modified and Etag
If so, should I do expires or max-age?
Expires depends on accuracy of user's clock, so it's mostly a bad choice (as most browsers support HTTP/1.1). Use max-age, to tell the browser that the file is good for that many seconds. For example, a 1 day cache would be:
Cache-Control: max-age=86400
Note that when both Cache-Control
and Expires
are present, Cache-Control
takes precedence. read
If I have to also do Last-Modified or ETag, which one of those? I think I get Last-Modified
You're right, Last-Modified should be better. Although it's a time, it's sent by the server. Hence no issue with user's clock. It's the reason why Last-Modified is better than Expires. The browser sends the Last-Modified the server sent last time it asked for the file, and if it's the same, the server answsers with an empty response «304 Not Modified»
Also, you must note that ETag can be useful too, because Last-Modified has a time window of one second. So you can't distinguish two different sources with the same Last-Modified value. [2]
Etag needs some more computing than Last-Modified, as it's a signature of the current state of the file (similar to a md5 sum or a CRC32).
Also, which files should I enable browser caching for?
All files can benefit caching. You've got two different approaches:
The more you cache, the faster your pages will show up. But it's a difficult task to flush caches, so use with care.
A good place to learn all this with many explanations: http://www.mnot.net/cache_docs/
[2]: rfc7232 Etag https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7232#section-2.3