I\'m needing some help setting up unittests for Google Cloud Endpoints. Using WebTest all requests answer with AppError: Bad response: 404 Not Found. I\'m not really sure if
I tried everything I could think of to allow these to be tested in the normal way. I tried hitting the /_ah/spi methods directly as well as even trying to create a new protorpc app using service_mappings to no avail. I'm not a Googler on the endpoints team so maybe they have something clever to allow this to work but it doesn't appear that simply using webtest will work (unless I missed something obvious).
In the meantime you can write a test script that starts the app engine test server with an isolated environment and just issue http requests to it.
Example to run the server with an isolated environment (bash but you can easily run this from python):
if [ ! -d "$DATA_PATH" ]; then
mkdir -p $DATA_PATH
dev_appserver.py --storage_path=$DATA_PATH/storage --blobstore_path=$DATA_PATH/blobstore --datastore_path=$DATA_PATH/datastore --search_indexes_path=$DATA_PATH/searchindexes --show_mail_body=yes --clear_search_indexes --clear_datastore .
You can then just use requests to test ala curl: