Done. Below is the code that finally passed all of my tests. Again, this is modeled after Murilo Vasconcelo\'s modified version of Steve
In many ways, Steve Hanov's algorithm (presented in the first article linked in the question, Fast and Easy Levenshtein distance using a Trie), the ports of the algorithm made by Murilo and you (OP), and quite possibly every pertinent algorithm involving a Trie or similar structure, function much like a Levenshtein Automaton (which has been mentioned several times here) does:
dict is a dictionary represented as a DFA (ex. trie or dawg)
dictState is a state in dict
dictStartState is the start state in dict
dictAcceptState is a dictState arrived at after following the transitions defined by a word in dict
editDistance is an edit distance
laWord is a word
la is a Levenshtein Automaton defined for laWord and editDistance
laState is a state in la
laStartState is the start state in la
laAcceptState is a laState arrived at after following the transitions defined by a word that is within editDistance of laWord
charSequence is a sequence of chars
traversalDataStack is a stack of (dictState, laState, charSequence) tuples
Define dictState as dictStartState
Define laState as laStartState
Push (dictState, laState, "") on to traversalDataStack
While traversalDataStack is not empty
Define currentTraversalDataTuple as the the product of a pop of traversalDataStack
Define currentDictState as the dictState in currentTraversalDataTuple
Define currentLAState as the laState in currentTraversalDataTuple
Define currentCharSequence as the charSequence in currentTraversalDataTuple
For each char in alphabet
Check if currentDictState has outgoing transition labeled by char
Check if currentLAState has outgoing transition labeled by char
If both currentDictState and currentLAState have outgoing transitions labeled by char
Define newDictState as the state arrived at after following the outgoing transition of dictState labeled by char
Define newLAState as the state arrived at after following the outgoing transition of laState labeled by char
Define newCharSequence as concatenation of currentCharSequence and char
Push (newDictState, newLAState, newCharSequence) on to currentTraversalDataTuple
If newDictState is a dictAcceptState, and if newLAState is a laAcceptState
Add newCharSequence to resultSet
Steve Hanov's algorithm and its aforementioned derivatives obviously use a Levenshtein distance computation matrix in place of a formal Levenshtein Automaton. Pretty fast, but a formal Levenshtein Automaton can have its parametric states (abstract states which describe the concrete states of the automaton) generated and used for traversal, bypassing any edit-distance-related runtime computation whatsoever. So, it should be run even faster than the aforementioned algorithms.
If you (or anybody else) is interested in a formal Levenshtein Automaton solution, have a look at LevenshteinAutomaton. It implements the aforementioned parametric-state-based algorithm, as well as a pure concrete-state-traversal-based algorithm (outlined above) and dynamic-programming-based algorithms (for both edit distance and neighbor determination). It's maintained by yours truly :) .