I am trying to return from a graph database the students with the most consecutive passes to a series of exams.
Below is my current code but not sure where I can ta
This is a tricky one, and as far as I know can't be done with just Cypher, but there is a procedure in APOC Procedures that can help.
takes a collection and a value to split around, and will yield records for each resulting sub-collection. Basically, we collect the ordered results per student, split around failures to get collections of consecutive passes, then get the max consecutive passes from the sizes of those collections:
MATCH (s:Student)-[r:TAKEN]->(e:Exam)
WITH s, r.score >= e.pass_mark as passed
ORDER BY e.date
WITH s, collect(passed) as resultsColl
CALL apoc.coll.split(resultsColl, false) YIELD value
WITH s, max(size(value)) as consecutivePasses
RETURN s.name as student, consecutivePasses