Is there a modified Bresenham algorithm, where the step from one pixel to the next one isn\'t allowed to be diagonally, just horizontally or vertically? Or any other algorit
I have found that Franz D's answer produces lines that do not closely match the original when close to the horizontal or vertical. While the function below is not perfect, I have found it produces nicer results.
Function BresenhamLineNew : Void( x0 : Int, y0 : Int, x1 : Int, y1 : Int )
Local dx : Int = Abs( x1 - x0 )
Local dy : Int = Abs( y1 - y0 )
Local sx : Int = -1
Local sy : Int = -1
If x0 < x1 Then sx = 1
If y0 < y1 Then sy = 1
Local err : Int = dx - dy
Local e2 : Int
While True
DrawRect x0, y0, 1, 1
If x0 = x1 And y0 = y1 Then Exit
e2 = 2 * err
If dy > dx
If e2 > -dy
err = err - dy
x0 = x0 + sx
Elseif e2 < dx
err = err + dx
y0 = y0 + sy
If e2 < dx
err = err + dx
y0 = y0 + sy
Elseif e2 > -dy
err = err - dy
x0 = x0 + sx
End Function