I want to make a macro that copies two sheets in a new workbook. But the theme color in the new created workbook is different.
Sub Export_File()
Dim Wb3 As Wo
This appears to be working for me, to copy a workbook theme:
' copy the colors and themes
resultWorkbook.Colors = sourceWorkbook.Colors
'Theme is not the same as colors
Dim sourceTheme As Microsoft.Office.Core.ThemeColorScheme = sourceWorkbook.Theme.ThemeColorScheme
Dim resultTheme As Microsoft.Office.Core.ThemeColorScheme = resultWorkbook.Theme.ThemeColorScheme
For i = 1 To sourceTheme.Count ' there are 12 theme colors: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa432704(v=office.12).aspx
'Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0, -2} ~ {1}", i, sourceTheme.Colors(i).RGB))
resultTheme.Colors(i).RGB = sourceTheme.Colors(i).RGB
Next i