I\'m trying to wrap my head around querying a table that has hierarchical category data (used for a cms) which is also tied to my posts data and a many-to-many type relation
There are perhaps better methods, but here's an idea:
CREATE VIEW subcategories AS
( SELECT 0 AS level
, cat_0.id AS cat_id
, cat_0.id AS subcat_id
FROM categories cat_0
SELECT 1 AS level
, cat_0.id AS cat_id
, cat_1.id AS subcat_id
FROM categories cat_0
JOIN categories cat_1
ON cat_0.id = cat_1.parent_id
SELECT 2 AS level
, cat_0.id AS cat_id
, cat_2.id AS subcat_id
FROM categories cat_0
JOIN categories cat_1
ON cat_0.id = cat_1.parent_id
JOIN categories cat_2
ON cat_1.id = cat_2.parent_id
SELECT 3 AS level
, cat_0.id AS cat_id
, cat_3.id AS subcat_id
FROM categories cat_0
JOIN categories cat_1
ON cat_0.id = cat_1.parent_id
JOIN categories cat_2
ON cat_1.id = cat_2.parent_id
JOIN categories cat_3
ON cat_2.id = cat_3.parent_id
) ;
Then, use the above to have:
SELECT sub.subcat_id
, sub.level
, p.post_id
, p.title
FROM subcategories sub
JOIN post2cat p2c
ON sub.subcat_id = p2c.cat_id
JOIN posts p
ON p2c.post_id = p.id
WHERE sub.cat_id = CAT_ID <--- the category id you want to search for