#define many times without #undef,is it legal?

后端 未结 4 835
你的背包 2020-12-21 20:22

For example, I define AA for three times, is it legal?:

#define AA 10
#define AA 20
#define AA 30
int main() {

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-21 20:46

    No it is not. The C standard clearly states that it is a constraint violation, 6.10.3 p.2:

    An identifier currently defined as an object-like macro shall not be redefined by another #define preprocessing directive unless the second definition is an object-like macro definition and the two replacement lists are identical.

    So as for all constraint violations, your compiler is only obliged to issue a "diagnostic" that is an explanatory message. It may or may not continue to compile your code.

    To state it more directly, your code erroneous and your compiler must tell you.
