I didn\'t want to have to ask, but I can not figure out this assignment, and neither could the TA when I asked for help.
I have to take input from a text file, feed
You never change row
and col
in your for-loop which is a bug.
For easier understanding, I suggest using two nested for-loops over rowIndex and colIndex and using a little helper to get the value from the 1-D Array like so:
int getValue(int row, int col){
return magicSquare.get( row * _n + col );
Assuming the 1-D Array is a "flattened" square that is built up like (0,0), (0,1), ... (0,_n), (1, 0) , ... (_n,_n)
To make it clearer: Iterate over the square instead of using the index:
for( int row = 0 ; row < _n ; row++){
for( int col = 0 ; col < _n ; col++){
// Your stuff here.