How do I locate the path of the current folder? I just want to be able to get the path of the folder so that I can manipulate the files in the folder without typing the path
Thanks to Corey's answer and to Thomas'one, here is a "full featured" version that shows the folder tree in the logger and every parents id as well... just for fun ;-)
function getScriptFolderTree() {
var thisScript = getThisScriptInDrive();
var names = []
var Ids = []
var folder = thisScript.getParents()[0];
while (folder.getName() != "Root"){
var parents = folder.getParents();
var folder = parents[0];
function getThisScriptInDrive() {
return DriveApp.getFileById("poiuytrezazertyujhgfdsdcvcxyydryfhchfh");
(ID's are truncated intentionally)
Note that this script is working nicely but it strangely stops working if the 'random string' is modified... I imagine that the search engine in drive doesn't like the change but I have no serious explanation (comments welcome) but after a few minutes it works again ;-)