I have put a few jars on my Bundle-Classpath. The line below shows the entry in my pom.xml, which uses the Felix plugin to create the manigest.mf for the bundle.
When you embed any jar via Embed-Dependency tag then the maven-bundle-plugin would analyze that jar also and add the referred packages to the host bundle Import-Package list. Mostly such packages are optional depending on the feature used. For example in your usecase the H2 jar has dependency on Lucene, Servlet API for certain features. if your usage scenario does not require these features then you can mark these packages as optional
In above config we mark such packages as optional. The main problem is to determine the package list depending on your usage
One quick and dirty way is to mark all as optional imports. Should be used as a last resort. As some valid imports would be marked optional and OSGi fwk would not be able to check them.
Also note that H2 jar is a valid OSGi bundle so you can deploy it directly.