I am trying to parse the following datetime with the following format:
a <- \"2004-05-07 18:24:58.666424\"
I tried th
With lubridate
, you can specify that your seconds have a decimal with the special S!
or OS
formats; see ?parse_date_time
for more parsing options.
> parse_date_time("2004-05-07 18:24:58.666424", 'ymd HMS!')
[1] "2004-05-07 18:24:58 UTC"
Alternately, it seems to parse fine with just the usual default "ymd HMS"
parse_date_time("2004-05-07 18:24:58.666424", 'ymd HMS')
or the shorthand
ymd_hms("2004-05-07 18:24:58.666424")