I want to keep a mutable collection of CGImageRefs. Do I need to wrap them in NSValue, and if so how do I wrap and unwrap them properly? Can I get away with using a C array?
Getting the CGImageRef out of an UIImage via image.CGImage can be costly. From the documentation:
If the image data has been purged because of memory constraints, invoking this method forces that data to be loaded back into memory. Reloading the image data may incur a performance penalty.
If you feel comfortable with mixing C++ and Objective-C, you can use a std::vector for storing the CGImageRef. Rename your source file from .m to .mm and try this:
CGImageRef i;
std::vector images;
If you want to keep the vector as a member of a Objective-C class, you should allocate it on the heap, not the stack:
Header file:
using std;
@interface YourInterface : ...
vector *images;
and in the implementation file:
images = new std::vector();
//When you're done
delete images;
images = NULL;