I am trying to transform a JSON text into a standard data table using Python, however I have little experience with this and as I search for solutions online I find I am hav
is almost always used when interacting with tables. And it can parse a dictionary
In [0]: import pandas
In [1]: from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
In [2]: d = {'duration': 202.0,
...: 'session_info':
...: {'activation_uuid': 'ab90d941-df9d-42c5-af81-069eb4f71515',
...: 'launch_uuid': '11101c41-2d79-42cc-bf6d-37be46802fc8'},
...: 'timestamp': '2019-01-18T11:11:26.135Z',
...: 'source_page_view_reference':
...: {'page_uuid': '1bede017-7b77-461d-82ef-a6bbcfdae4d7',
...: 'page_id': '/group/More',
...: 'page_name': 'More',
...: 'view_uuid': '9580f3c5-1116-432a-83bc-9d0b5337f661',
...: 'page_type': 'Native'},
...: 'analytics_sdk':
...: {'component_id': 'datasdk',
...: 'component_version': '1.0.52'},
...: 'treatment_id': 'mockTreat',
...: 'client_event_id': '2b3cd878-6932-410b-b1ad-bc40ae888fdc',
...: 'campaign_id': 'mockCamp'}
In [4]: json_normalize(d)
analytics_sdk.component_id analytics_sdk.component_version campaign_id client_event_id duration ... source_page_view_reference.page_type source_page_view_reference.page_uuid source_page_view_reference.view_uuid timestamp treatment_id
0 datasdk 1.0.52 mockCamp 2b3cd878-6932-410b-b1ad-bc40ae888fdc 202.0 ... Native 1bede017-7b77-461d-82ef-a6bbcfdae4d7 9580f3c5-1116-432a-83bc-9d0b5337f661 2019-01-18T11:11:26.135Z mockTreat
[1 rows x 14 columns]
To load JSON string into a dictionary, use json.loads
Or use pandas.read_json