here is my code in C for problem#3 from project-Euler, where I have to find the largest prime factor of 600851475143.
Try the following code. It essentially implements the points in the accepted answer. The only improvement is that it skips all multiples of 2, 3, and 5 using wheel factorization
//find largest prime factor for x <2^64
int main() {
uint64_t x = 600851475143;
int wheel[] = {4,2,4,2,4,6,2,6};
while(x>2 && x%2==0) x/=2;
while(x>3 && x%3==0) x/=3;
while(x>5 && x%5==0) x/=5;
for(uint64_t j=0, i=7; i<=x/i; i+=wheel[j++], j%=8) {
while(x>i && x%i==0) x/=i;
printf("%llu\n", x);
Another thing that could be done is to pre-compute all primes less than 2^32 (rather than downloading them) and then only divide by the primes. The fastest method I know to do this is the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Here is a version using OpenMP which finds the primes up to 1 billion in less than one second