I\'m writing a small method to replace some text in a file. The only argument I need is the new text, as it is always the same file and text to be replaced.
I\'m hav
What is wrong is that there is some difference. Yeah, I know that's not helpful, but you need to figure out the difference.
Try running this:
import os
def updateExportConfigId(id):
stringId = "%s" % id
cmd1 = "sed '1,$s/MANAGER_ID=[0-9]*/MANAGER_ID=" + stringId + "/g' path/file.old > path/file.new"
stringId = "GRRRRRRRRR"
cmd2 = "sed '1,$s/MANAGER_ID=[0-9]*/MANAGER_ID=" + stringId + "/g' path/file.old > path/file.new"
print "cmd1:" , cmd1
print "cmd2:" , cmd2
print cmd1 == cmd2
The code should print:
sed '1,$s/MANAGER_ID=[0-9]*/MANAGER_ID=GRRRRRRRRR/g' path/file.old > path/file.new
sed '1,$s/MANAGER_ID=[0-9]*/MANAGER_ID=GRRRRRRRRR/g' path/file.old > path/file.new
Thereby showing that they are exactly the same. If the last line is "False" then they are not the same, and you should be able to see the difference.