how to open the following directory:settings/wireless and networks/Tethering and portable hotspot/portable Wi-Fi hotspot settings/configure portable Wi-Fi hotspot/ on butto
In case any one lands here like me, on Android 8, I used this to open up the setup Hotspot page itself.
public static final String SETTINGS_PACKAGE = "";
public static final String HOTSPOT_SETTINGS_CLASS = "$TetherWifiSettingsActivity";
private void launchHotspotSettings(){
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(SETTINGS_PACKAGE, HOTSPOT_SETTINGS_CLASS);
Works on my device. Let me know if it works on yours. After a bit of research I realized that this class changes per device brand. Eg. For Samsung, use
public static final String HOTSPOT_SETTINGS_CLASS = "$WifiApSettingsActivity";
By the way @Drew answer still works on Android 8.