Can an Azure Logic App have multiple start triggers?

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醉梦人生 2020-12-19 05:45

Can an Azure Logic App have multiple start triggers?

I\'ve read the triggers docs at MSDN but can\'t see anything on having multiple triggers

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-19 06:09

    In general yes, you can have multiple triggers in a Logic App workflow. Actually, according to the official documentation, you can have up to 10 triggers in a single Logic App. As example, in the following logic app, I used two triggers: the first one is a SFTP connector trigger and, after a sequence of actions I have a second trigger on a Service Bus queue (with the send message action I send a message for a webjob that performs a long running task and it notify the Logic app with a message on another queue that let it to continue its execution).

    Probably, what you mean instead is if it's possible to have multiple "starting" triggers to implement some kind of "or logic" between triggers. In this case I think the answer is no, and in order to achieve this I will go as well with what @Steven Van Eycken suggests: split Logic Apps in two of them, triggered by the two triggers you need and for example then send a message on a queue that triggers the third logic app with the common workflow.
