WCF service not working when accessed over HTTPS and HTTP

后端 未结 2 593
感情败类 2020-12-18 21:36

I\'ve installed a SSL certificate in IIS.

Now when I navigate to my domain https://www.example.com/ the page loads correctlty. But when I try to approach a web servi

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-18 22:10

    @Flo, Finally I am able to make it work. I have updated and set , and it worked, i mean when you hit both http and https version of www.example.com/service.svc/newprofile/?id=8&ipaddress=, it will get you correct output. Following is the system.serviceModel part of web.config. Please try this, let me know, if you are still not able to make it work.

