Why does casting Double.NaN to int not throw an exception in Java?

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执念已碎 2020-12-18 19:20

So I know the IEEE 754 specifies some special floating point values for values that are not real numbers. In Java, casting those values to a primitive int does

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-18 20:02

    What is the rationale for not throwing exceptions in these cases? Is this an IEEE standard, or was it merely a choice by the designers of Java?

    The IEEE 754-1985 Standard in pages 20 and 21 under the sections 2.2.1 NANs and 2.2.2 Infinity clearly explains the reasons why NAN and Infinity values are required by the standard. Therefore this not a Java thing.

    The Java Virtual Machine Specification in section 3.8.1 Floating Point Arithmetic and IEEE 754 states that when conversions to integral types are carried out then the JVM will apply rounding toward zero which explains the results you are seeing.

    The standard does mention a feature named "trap handler" that could be used to determine when overflow or NAN occurs but the Java Virtual Machine Specification clearly states this is not implemented for Java. It says in section 3.8.1:

    The floating-point operations of the Java virtual machine do not throw exceptions, trap, or otherwise signal the IEEE 754 exceptional conditions of invalid operation, division by zero, overflow, underflow, or inexact. The Java virtual machine has no signaling NaN value.

    So, the behavior is not unspecified regardless of consequences.

    Are there bad consequences that I am unaware of if exceptions would be possible with such casts?

    Understanding the reasons stated in standard should suffice to answer this question. The standard explains with exhaustive examples the consequences you are asking for here. I would post them, but that would be too much information here and the examples can be impossible to format appropriately in this edition tool.


    I was reading the latest maintenance review of the Java Virtual Machine Specification as published recently by the JCP as part of their work on JSR 924 and in the section 2.11.14 named type conversion istructions contains some more information that could help you in your quest for answers, not yet what you are looking for, but I believe it helps a bit. It says:

    In a narrowing numeric conversion of a floating-point value to an integral type T, where T is either int or long, the floating-point value is converted as follows:

    • If the floating-point value is NaN, the result of the conversion is an
      int or  long 0.
    • Otherwise, if the floating-point value is not an infinity, the
      floating-point value  is rounded to
      an integer value V using IEEE 754
      round towards zero mode.

    There are two cases:

    • If T is long and this integer value can be represented as a long, then
      the result is the long value V.
    • If T is of type int and this integer value can be represented as an int, then the result is the int value V.


    • Either the value must be too small (a negative value of large magnitude or  negative infinity), and the result is the smallest representable value of type  int or long.
    • Or the value must be too large (a positive value of large magnitude or
      posi- tive infinity), and the result
      is the largest representable value of type int or  long.

    A narrowing numeric conversion from double to float behaves in accordance with IEEE 754. The result is correctly rounded using IEEE 754 round to nearest mode. A value too small to be represented as a float is converted to a positive or negative zero of type float; a value too large to be represented as a float is converted to a positive or negative infinity. A double NaN is always converted to a float NaN.

    Despite the fact that overflow, underflow, or loss of precision may occur, narrowing conversions among numeric types never cause the Java virtual machine to throw a runtime exception (not to be confused with an IEEE 754 floating-point exception).

    I know this simply restates what you already know, but it has a clue, it appears that the IEEE standard has a requirement of rounding to the nearest. Perhaps there you can find the reasons for this behavior.


    The IEEE Standard in question in section 2.3.2 Rounding Modes States:

    By default, rounding means round toward the nearest. The standard requires that three other rounding modes be provided; namely, round toward 0, round toward +Infinity and round toward –Infinity.

    When used with the convert to integer operation, round toward –Infinity causes the convert to become the floor function, whereas, round toward +Infinity is ceiling.

    The mode rounding affects overflow because when round toward O or round toward -Infinite is in effect, an overflow of positive magnitude causes the default result to be the largest representable number, not +Infinity.

    Similarly, overflows of negative magnitude will produce the largest negative number when round toward +Infinity or round toward O is in effect.

    Then they proceed to mention an example of why this is useful in interval arithmetic. Not sure, again, that this is the answer you are looking for, but it can enrich your search.
