I want to move slider on left side of slider-bar. However, selenium webdriver moves it to right side but it does not move to left side. I want to move slider to 25% of total
Well, I was not able to move the slider using all the possible option using dragAndDropBy and clickAndHold. However, using below snippet I was able to move slider to exact location of slid-bar. I am still wondering what was wrong in above code which does not move the slider to exact location as I was expecting.
you can set choose value of X is any its depends of width of your slider and if you use for loop to drag pointer on multiple position
public static void slider(){
WebElement slider = driver.findElement(By.id("slider"));
int width=slider.getSize().getWidth();
Actions move = new Actions(driver);
move.moveToElement(slider, ((width*x)/100), 0).click();
System.out.println("Slider moved");