I\'m using Twitter\'s typeahead plugin for autocompletion with a text input. I want to change the behavior so that instead of putting the selected option\'s value into the t
While not necessarily the intention of typeahead, if you use it for a SEARCH PAGE this little tidbit will be very useful I feel as I was looking for this answer myself.
Unbind Selection Event From Typeahead Results List:
rateLimitWait: 250,
limit: 100,
valueKey: 'title'
}).on('typeahead:opened', function (obj, datum, name) {
$('span.tt-dropdown-menu').unbind(); //UNBINDS TYPEAHEAD SELECTION EVENT
WTF Did You Do? : -- When typeahead object is opened, we simply unbind the selection action altogether in order to do what we want it to instead without closing it.
Further Notes: This is sort of destructive, but if you are using for, say, a search page where the body of the result item is link to a profile with a follow button on the right to click - then the auto-filling is a super pain in the ass to fight off.
Hope this helps! Know its a bit late but maybe anyone else looking for this in the future.