Getting a specific method source code from .cs file (at runtime)

后端 未结 3 638
北荒 2020-12-18 07:01

1 - I have this file content on the disc (cs file, not compiled):

    namespace Test
        using System;
        public class TestCl         

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-18 07:38

    You need a tool that can parse the source code, tracks code locations, and knows how to look up methods (or variables, or whatever named thing you care about) in the source code. With that, finding the lines of interest is pretty easy. Such a tool isn't easy to build because parsers for full languages aren't easy to build. Nor are the lookup functions easy; parameters, namespaces, templates, inheritance all combine to make name lookup for modern languages remarkably complex.

    Program transformation (PT) tools (which often have such full parsers already available) often do this by building an AST in memory which represents the code. Then, given rules for name lookup, finding the code in the AST by name is relatively straightforward, and one can use the prettyprinter function of such a tool to pretty print the named-entity into a buffer/string/diskfile wherever you want it parked.

    You are not likely to find a PT as a subroutine you can call from C# directly. You may be able to invoke such a tool from your program, and have it return the string as a text result/in a file/via a pipe whatever you thinks is best for interprocess communication.

    If you want to show the method text embedded in an HTML page, you can often configure the PT to generate the entire page containing the prettyprinted entity text. (See the JavaSource browser via my bio for an example like this).
