Python 3.4 introduced the new regex method re.fullmatch(pattern, string, flags=0).
Has anyone back-ported this new method to older Python versions?
Here it is my backporting, which has at least one problem (thanks tim-pietzcker) but does not require recompiling regexes:
import re
def fullmatch(regex, string, flags=0):
"""Emulate python-3.4 re.fullmatch()."""
m = re.match(regex, string, flags=flags)
if m and m.span()[1] == len(string):
return m
And here are some test-cases proving the above emulation-function.
def compare_expansion(regex, s, template):
m1 = re.fullmatch(regex, s)
s1 = m1.expand(template) if m1 else ''
m2 = fullmatch(regex, s)
s2 = m2.expand(template) if m2 else ''
if s1 != s2:
raise AssertionError("\n PY-3: '%s' \n PY-2: '%s' " % (s1, s2))
compare_expansion('.*', 'foo', r'A')
compare_expansion('(.*)', 'foo', r'A_\1')
compare_expansion('(.*)', 'foo', r'A_\g<0>')
compare_expansion('a.*', 'afoo&', r'A')
compare_expansion('a(\w*)', 'afoo&', r'A_\1')
compare_expansion('a(\w*)', 'afoo&', r'A_\g<0>')
## But this fails!
compare_expansion(".*?", "Hello", '\g<0>')
PY-3: 'A_Hello'
PY-2: ''