I am able to use a fortran subroutine in R as long as I don\'t have it inside a module.For example:
subroutine dboard(darts, dartsscore)
implicit none
Thanks to @roygvib and @francescalus this is my working module:
Module Fortranpi
subroutine dboard(darts, dartsscore)
integer, intent(in) :: darts
double precision, intent(out) :: dartsscore
double precision :: x_coord, y_coord
integer :: score, n
score = 0
do n = 1, darts
call random_number(x_coord)
call random_number(y_coord)
if ((x_coord**2 + y_coord**2) <= 1.0d0) then
score = score + 1
end if
end do
dartsscore = 4.0d0*score/darts
end subroutine dboard
subroutine pi(avepi, DARTS, ROUNDS) bind(C, name="pi_")
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_double, c_int
real(c_double), intent(out) :: avepi
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: DARTS, ROUNDS
integer :: MASTER, rank, i, n
integer, allocatable :: seed(:)
double precision :: pi_est, homepi, pirecv, pisum
! we set it to zero in the sequential run
rank = 0
! initialize the random number generator
! we make sure the seed is different for each task
call random_seed()
call random_seed(size = n)
seed = 12 + rank*11
call random_seed(put=seed(1:n))
avepi = 0
do i = 0, ROUNDS-1
call dboard(darts, pi_est)
! calculate the average value of pi over all iterations
avepi = ((avepi*i) + pi_est)/(i + 1)
end do
end subroutine pi
end module Fortranpi