This question is in a way a continuation of the question I asked here:Simple way to delete a matrix column in Mathematica to which @belisarius and @Daniel provided very help
You can also use explicit ranges in a way that is fairly efficient. They may provide some more flexibility. Here is your example.
a = RandomInteger[1000, {5000, 5000}];
Timing[b = Drop[a, {101}, {101}];]
Out[66]= {0.041993, Null}
c = a[[Join[Range[100], Range[102, 5000]],
Join[Range[100], Range[102, 5000]]]];]
Out[67]= {0.061991, Null}
c == b
Out[62]= True
I would also suggest use of Span except offhand I do not see how to get it to work in this setting.
Daniel Lichtblau Wolfram Research