THE PROBLEM: I need a XML file \"full encoded\" by UTF8; that is, with no entity representing symbols, all symbols enconded by UTF8, except the only 3 ones that are
public function entity_decode($str, $charset = NULL)
if (strpos($str, '&') === FALSE)
return $str;
static $_entities;
isset($charset) OR $charset = $this->charset;
$flag = is_php('5.4')
$str_compare = $str;
// Decode standard entities, avoiding false positives
if ($c = preg_match_all('/&[a-z]{2,}(?![a-z;])/i', $str, $matches))
if ( ! isset($_entities))
$_entities = array_map('strtolower', get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, $flag, $charset));
// If we're not on PHP 5.4+, add the possibly dangerous HTML 5
// entities to the array manually
if ($flag === ENT_COMPAT)
$_entities[':'] = ':';
$_entities['('] = '(';
$_entities[')'] = '&rpar';
$_entities["\n"] = '&newline;';
$_entities["\t"] = '&tab;';
$replace = array();
$matches = array_unique(array_map('strtolower', $matches[0]));
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++)
if (($char = array_search($matches[$i].';', $_entities, TRUE)) !== FALSE)
$replace[$matches[$i]] = $char;
$str = str_ireplace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $str);
// Decode numeric & UTF16 two byte entities
$str = html_entity_decode(
preg_replace('/((?:x0*[0-9a-f]{2,5}(?![0-9a-f;]))|(?:0*\d{2,4}(?![0-9;])))/iS', '$1;', $str),
while ($str_compare !== $str);
return $str;