Does the Python shelve module have any protection built in to make sure two processes aren\'t writing to a file at the same time?
I've implemented Ivo's approach as a context manager, for anyone interested:
from contextlib import contextmanager, closing
from fcntl import flock, LOCK_SH, LOCK_EX, LOCK_UN
import shelve
def locking(lock_path, lock_mode):
with open(lock_path, 'w') as lock:
flock(lock.fileno(), lock_mode) # block until lock is acquired
flock(lock.fileno(), LOCK_UN) # release
class DBManager(object):
def __init__(self, db_path):
self.db_path = db_path
def read(self):
with locking("%s.lock" % self.db_path, LOCK_SH):
with closing(, "c", 2)) as db:
return dict(db)
def cas(self, old_db, new_db):
with locking("%s.lock" % self.db_path, LOCK_EX):
with closing(, "c", 2)) as db:
if old_db != dict(db):
return False
return True