I have multiple BIRT reports that obtains the data from the same jdbc data source.
Is it possible to obtain the conection parameters (Driver URL, User Name, and Pass
An alternative to the good @Mystik's "Property binding" solution is externalizing to a connection profile.
Now we have "reportName.cps", an XML file that we can modify according to the environment where we place our report (development, production,...). The problem is that "DS" has loaded statically those info from "reportName.cps". It loads them dinamically if it can find "reportName.cps" in the absolute path we specified. So changing environment the file path will be different and the report won't find our file. To tell the report the correct location of the file and load it dynamically let's write a script:
Setup a beforeOpen script to use the connection profile that is deployed in the resource folder which can be different for every environment:
var myresourcefolder = reportContext.getDesignHandle().getResourceFolder();
this.setExtensionProperty("OdaConnProfileStorePath", myresourcefolder + "/reportName.cps");