I am in need of a function that extracts any type of bracket ie (), [], {} and the information in between. I created it and get it to do what I want but I get an annoying w
Give this a shot. I prefer the stringr
package! :)
bracketXtract <- function(string, bracket = "all", include.bracket = TRUE){
# Load stringr package
# Regular expressions for your brackets
rgx = list(square = "\\[\\w*\\]", curly = "\\{\\w*\\}", round = "\\(\\w*\\)")
rgx['all'] = sprintf('(%s)|(%s)|(%s)', rgx$square, rgx$curly, rgx$round)
# Ensure you have the correct bracket name
stopifnot(bracket %in% names(rgx))
# Find your matches
matches = str_extract_all(string, pattern = rgx[[bracket]])[[1]]
# Remove brackets from results if needed
matches = sapply(matches, function(m) substr(m, 2, nchar(m)-1))
j <- "What kind of cheese isn't your cheese? {wonder} Nacho cheese! [groan] (Laugh)"
# [1] "{wonder}" "[groan]" "(Laugh)"
bracketXtract(j, bracket = "square")
# [1] "[groan]"
bracketXtract(j, include.bracket = F)
# [1] "wonder" "groan" "Laugh"