I create a Flutter App. I need to connect my app to local network socket services. As shown below, I can use telnet Connect, Send data and Receive data from the server. I us
As attdona mentioned,
Your server does not speak the websocket protocol but it exposes a plain tcp socket.
So you need a TCP socket and there is a great tutorial on Sockets
and ServerSockets
which you can find here.
Here's a snippet:
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
Socket socket;
void main() {
Socket.connect("localhost", 4567).then((Socket sock) {
socket = sock;
onError: errorHandler,
onDone: doneHandler,
cancelOnError: false);
}).catchError((AsyncError e) {
print("Unable to connect: $e");
//Connect standard in to the socket
stdin.listen((data) => socket.write(new String.fromCharCodes(data).trim() + '\n'));
void dataHandler(data){
print(new String.fromCharCodes(data).trim());
void errorHandler(error, StackTrace trace){
void doneHandler(){