Python Password Protection

前端 未结 8 1593
长情又很酷 2020-12-16 20:23

I am a beginner so if this question sounds stupid, please bear with me.

I am wondering that when we write code for username/password check in python, if it is not c

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-16 21:06

    If you are doing the checking on a user's machine, they can edit the code how they like, pretty much no matter what you do. If you need security like this then the code should be run somewhere inaccessible, for instance a server. "Don't trust the client" is an important computer security principle.

    I think what you want to do is make a server script that can only be accessed by a password being given to it by the client program. This server program will function very much like the example code given in other answers: when a new client is created they send a plaintext password to the server which puts it through a one-way encryption, and stores it. Then, when a client wants to use the code that is the main body of your program, they send a password. The server puts this through the one-way encryption, and sees if it matches any stored, hashed passwords. If it does, it executes the code in the main body of the program, and sends the result back to the user.

    On a related topic, the other answers suggest using the md5 algorithm. However, this is not the most secure algorithm - while secure enough for many purposes, the hashlib module in the standard library gives other, more secure algorithms, and there is no reason not to use these instead.
