SQL Server - script to update database columns from varchar to nvarchar if not already nvarchar

前端 未结 5 1744
南笙 2020-12-16 19:02

I am in a situation where I must update an existing database structure from varchar to nvarchar using a script. Since this script is run everytime a configuration applicati

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-16 19:48

    You can run the following script which will give you a set of ALTER commands:

    SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' + isnull(schema_name(syo.id), 'dbo') + '.' +  syo.name 
        + ' ALTER COLUMN ' + syc.name + ' NVARCHAR(' + case syc.length when -1 then 'MAX' 
            ELSE convert(nvarchar(10),syc.length) end + ');'
       FROM sysobjects syo
       JOIN syscolumns syc ON
         syc.id = syo.id
       JOIN systypes syt ON
         syt.xtype = syc.xtype
         syt.name = 'varchar' 
        and syo.xtype='U'

    There are, however, a couple of quick caveats for you.

    1. This will only do tables. You'll want to scan all of your sprocs and functions to make sure they are changed to NVARCHAR as well.
    2. If you have a VARCHAR > 4000 you will need to modify it to be NVARCHAR(MAX)

    But those should be easily doable with this template.

    If you want this to run automagically you can set it in a WHILE clause.
