Why I ask is that my program uses 3rd party software that sometimes leaves behind orphan processes that have no link back to my program or the 3rd party process. These orph
tlist from WDK to the rescue! The 2nd line of its output ("CWD: ...") shows the working directory of a process:
> tlist 944
944 postgres.exe
CWD: D:\Lab\Database\pgsql\test\
CmdLine: "D:/Tools/pgsql/bin/postgres.exe" -D "."
VirtualSize: 221116 KB PeakVirtualSize: 242620 KB
WorkingSetSize: 17076 KB PeakWorkingSetSize: 19336 KB
NumberOfThreads: 4
9084 Win32StartAddr:0x00000000 LastErr:0x00000000 State:Waiting
8504 Win32StartAddr:0x00000000 LastErr:0x000000b7 State:Waiting
8616 Win32StartAddr:0x00000000 LastErr:0x00000000 State:Waiting
7468 Win32StartAddr:0x00000000 LastErr:0x00000000 State:Waiting shp 0x0000000000400000 D:\Tools\pgsql\bin\postgres.exe
6.1.7601.18247 shp 0x00000000770D0000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
See the doc for more info.