I just took notice to this generated by Catalyst.pl
. It is obviously some sort of unannotated hack. What is the advantage of setting up a version string like th
From perlmodstyle: Version numbering
If you want to release a 'beta' or 'alpha' version of a module but don't want CPAN.pm to list it as most recent use an '_' after the regular version number followed by at least 2 digits, eg. 1.20_01. If you do this, the following idiom is recommended:
- $VERSION = "1.12_01";
- $XS_VERSION = $VERSION; # only needed if you have XS code
With that trick MakeMaker will only read the first line and thus read the underscore, while the perl interpreter will evaluate the $VERSION and convert the string into a number. Later operations that treat $VERSION as a number will then be able to do so without provoking a warning about $VERSION not being a number.