I am trying to write an Android application that will take a picture, put the data (byte[]) in an object along with some metadata, and post that to an AppEngine server where
As code is provided by three person so you can select any of them(or you will get a lot of example on google). There are three possiblity 1)first you have image in your sdcard
2)you are downloading image from server and then sending
3)Images are store in DataBase as blob
The best approach considering each case-
1)If your Image is store in sdcard then simply fecth image Convert into bitmap ->byteArray ->String and send to server
2)If you are downloading images from server and then sending to another URL.Then download all image URL store in DataBase Table.Later on when you need to send to server fetch url,download image and store in cache memory.then similarly send it server and refresh cache memory
3)Its recommend not to store a lot of image in DB.But in case you have neccessity of doing it then getBlob convert into byte array and send to server
Sending Image To server
Reading blob
Reading from sdcard
List drawablesId = new ArrayList();
int picIndex=12345;
File sdDir = new File("/sdcard/pictures");
File[] sdDirFiles = sdDir.listFiles();
for(File singleFile : sdDirFiles)
/ you can create Bitmap from drawable
Hope it will help you