Is there a way to get an adjective corresponding to a given adverb in NLTK or other python library. For example, for the adverb \"terribly\", I need to get
There is a relation in wordnet that connects the adjectives
to adverbs
and vice versa.
>>> from itertools import chain
>>> from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
>>> from difflib import get_close_matches as gcm
>>> possible_adjectives = [ for k in chain(*[j.pertainyms() for j in chain(*[i.lemmas for i in wn.synsets('terribly')])])]
['terrible', 'atrocious', 'awful', 'rotten']
>>> gcm('terribly',possible_adjectives)
A more human readable way to computepossible_adjective
is as followed:
possible_adj = []
for ss in wn.synsets('terribly'):
for lemmas in ss.lemmas: # all possible lemmas.
for lemma in lemmas:
for ps in lemma.pertainyms(): # all possible pertainyms.
for p in ps:
for ln in # all possible lemma names.
EDIT: In the newer version of NLTK:
possible_adj = []
for ss in wn.synsets('terribly'):
for lemmas in ss.lemmas(): # all possible lemmas
for ps in lemmas.pertainyms(): # all possible pertainyms