Laravel Schema has a command for ENUM equivalent to the table. What is the SET equivalent to the table?
As of now Laravel Schema Builder does not support SET datatype for columns. So, here is an alternative solution until someone add those code to Laravel.
Step 1: Create the table, use ENUM instead of SET.
Schema::create('schools', function($table)
$table->char('id_number', 6);
$table->enum('level', array('Preschool', 'Kindergarten', 'Primary', 'Secondary'))->index(); // *** fix this
Step 2: Now change ENUM to SET.
$table_prefix = DB::getTablePrefix();
DB::statement("ALTER TABLE `" . $table_prefix . "schools` CHANGE `level` `level` SET('Preschool','Kindergarten','Primary','Secondary');");
If you have a better solution, then please let me know.