Currenty, I\'m using the following code to get the country, postal code, locality and sub-locality:
var country, postal_code, locality, sublocality;
for (i =
if (typeof Object.keys == 'function')
var length = function(x) { return Object.keys(x).length; };
var length = function() {};
var location = {};
for (i = 0; i < results[0].address_components.length; ++i)
var component = results[0].address_components[i];
if (! && component.types.indexOf("country") > -1) = component.long_name;
else if (!location.postal_code && component.types.indexOf("postal_code") > -1)
location.postal_code = component.long_name;
else if (location.locality && component.types.indexOf("locality") > -1)
location.locality = component.long_name;
else if (location.sublocality && component.types.indexOf("sublocality") > -1)
location.sublocality = component.long_name;
// nothing will happen here if `Object.keys` isn't supported!
if (length(location) == 4)
This is the most suitable solution for me. It may help someone too.