I know this is not exactly reflection, but kind of. I want to make a debug function that gets a variable and prints a var_dump and the variable name.
Of course, when
I know this is very very late, but i did it in a different way.
It might honestly be a bit bad for performance, but since it's for debugging it shouldn't be a problem.
I read the file where the function is called, on the line it was called and I cut out the variable name.
function dump($str){
// Get the caller with debug backtrace
$bt = debug_backtrace();
$caller = array_shift($bt);
// Put the file where the function was called in an array, split by lines
$readFileStr = file($caller['file']);
// Read the specific line where the function was called
$lineStr = $readFileStr[$caller['line'] -1];
// Get the variable name (including $) by taking the string between '(' and ')'
$regularOutput = preg_match('/\((.*?)\)/', $lineStr, $output);
$variableName = $output[1];
// echo the var name and in which file and line it was called
echo "var: " . $variableName . " dumped in file: " . $caller['file'] . ' on line: ' . $caller['line'] . '
// dump the given variable
echo '' . var_export($str, true) . '