Simply speaking, how to apply quantile normalization on a large Pandas dataframe (probably 2,000,000 rows) in Python?
PS. I know that there is a package named rpy2 w
Possibly more robust to use the median on each row rather than mean (based on code from Shawn. L):
def quantileNormalize(df_input):
df = df_input.copy()
#compute rank
dic = {}
for col in df:
dic[col] = df[col].sort_values(na_position='first').values
sorted_df = pd.DataFrame(dic)
#rank = sorted_df.mean(axis = 1).tolist()
rank = sorted_df.median(axis = 1).tolist()
for col in df:
# compute percentile rank [0,1] for each score in column
t = df[col].rank( pct=True, method='max' ).values
# replace percentile values in column with quantile normalized score
# retrieve q_norm score using calling rank with percentile value
df[col] = [ np.nanpercentile( rank, i*100 ) if ~np.isnan(i) else np.nan for i in t ]
return df