I want to make field readony based on group, and status.
Like i have two grops 1. Manager Group 2. User Group
If I give User Group to any <
There is another sweet way to achieve this. Create one functional field and in that check for group assigned to that user and do not store that field. In View use that field in attrs.
Let say in product you don't want to allow any user to modify Internal Reference if user does not belongs to Product Modify group.
Create one group.
Product Modify
Python file
class product_template(models.Model):
def set_access_for_product(self):
self.able_to_modify_product = self.env['res.users'].has_group('product_extended_ecom_ept.group_product_modify')
able_to_modify_product = fields.Boolean(compute=set_access_for_product, string='Is user able to modify product?')
XMl file should be looking like,
Product Template extension
{'readonly' : [('able_to_modify_product','=',False)]}