I have too many files in .m2 folder where maven stores downloaded dependencies. Is there a way to clean all old dependencies? For example, if there is a dependency with 3 di
Download all actual dependencies of your projects
find your-projects-dir -name pom.xml -exec mvn -f '{}' dependency:resolve
Move your local maven repository to temporary location
mv ~/.m2 ~/saved-m2
Rename all files maven-metadata-central.xml* from saved repository into maven-metadata.xml*
find . -type f -name "maven-metadata-central.xml*" -exec rename -v -- 's/-central//' '{}' \;
To setup the modified copy of the local repository as a mirror, create the directory ~/.m2 and the file ~/.m2/settings.xml with the following content (replacing user with your username):
My Central
Resolve your projects dependencies again:
find your-projects-dir -name pom.xml -exec mvn -f '{}' dependency:resolve
Now you have local maven repository with minimal of necessary artifacts. Remove local mirror from config file and from file system.