How can retrieve the two highest item from a list containing 100,000 integers without having to sort the entire list first?
I know this topic is old, but here is a simple solution to this problem. Tested against heapq.nlargest and this is a bit faster (no sorting needed):
Works for both positive and negative numbers.
Function below: Max time used: 0.12, max memory used: 29290496 heapq.nlargest: Max time used: 0.14, max memory used: 31088640
def two_highest_numbers(list_to_work):
first = None
second = None
for number in list_to_work:
if first is None:
first = number
elif number > first:
second = first
first = number
if second is None:
second = number
elif number > second:
second = number
return [first, second]