Wavelet transform in openCV

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花落未央 2020-12-13 07:00

did someone tried to implement DWT in opencv or in C++? I saw older posts on this subject and i didn\'t find them useful for me, because I need a approximation coefficient a

  •  囚心锁ツ
    2020-12-13 07:34

    I see that there's very few code examples for wavelet in java, especially if you're using openCV. I had to use wavelet in java with openCV and I used the C code from @la luvia and converted to java.

    There was a lot of trouble while translating the code, because it had a lot of diferences in the openCV methods and ways of using it. This book helped me a lot in the process too.

    I hope this code and the book give some perspective of how to use the lib and few diferences between the C and Java.

    Here's the code:

    import org.opencv.core.Core;
    import org.opencv.core.CvType;
    import org.opencv.core.Mat;
    import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs;
    import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;
    public class Wavelet {
        //Imperative in java
        String pathname = "C:/Users/user/img096";
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Wavelet wavelet = new Wavelet();
            Imgcodecs.imwrite(wavelet.pathname+"imi.jpg", wavelet.imi);
            Imgcodecs.imwrite(wavelet.pathname+"imd.jpg", wavelet.imd);
            Imgcodecs.imwrite(wavelet.pathname+"imr.jpg", wavelet.imr);
        Mat im,im1,im2,im3,im4,im5,im6,temp,im11,im12,im13,im14,imi,imd,imr;
        float a,b,c,d;
        private void applyHaarFoward(){
                im = Imgcodecs.imread(pathname+".jpg", 0);
                imi = new Mat(im.rows(), im.cols(), CvType.CV_8U);
                //in CvType. If the number of channels is omitted, it evaluates to 1. 
                im.convertTo(im, CvType.CV_32F, 1.0, 0.0);
                im1 = new Mat(im.rows()/2, im.cols(), CvType.CV_32F);
                im2 = new Mat(im.rows()/2, im.cols(), CvType.CV_32F);
                im3 = new Mat(im.rows()/2, im.cols()/2, CvType.CV_32F);
                im4 = new Mat(im.rows()/2, im.cols()/2, CvType.CV_32F);
                im5 = new Mat(im.rows()/2, im.cols()/2, CvType.CV_32F);
                im6 = new Mat(im.rows()/2, im.cols()/2, CvType.CV_32F);
                // ------------------- Decomposition ------------------- 
                for (int rcnt = 0; rcnt < im.rows(); rcnt+=2) {
                    for (int ccnt = 0; ccnt < im.cols(); ccnt++) {
                        //even though the CvType is float with only one channel
                        //the method Mat.get() return a double array 
                        //with only one position, [0].
                        a = (float) im.get(rcnt, ccnt)[0];
                        b = (float) im.get(rcnt+1, ccnt)[0];
                        c = (float) ((a+b)*0.707);
                        d = (float) ((a-b)*0.707);
                        int _rcnt= rcnt/2;
                        im1.put(_rcnt, ccnt, c);
                        im2.put(_rcnt, ccnt, d);
                for (int rcnt = 0; rcnt < im.rows()/2; rcnt++) {
                    for (int ccnt = 0; ccnt < im.cols() - 2; ccnt+=2) {
                        a = (float) im1.get(rcnt, ccnt)[0];
                        b = (float) im1.get(rcnt, ccnt+1)[0];
                        c = (float) ((a+b)*0.707);
                        d = (float) ((a-b)*0.707);
                        int _ccnt = ccnt/2;
                        im3.put(rcnt, _ccnt, c);
                        im4.put(rcnt, _ccnt, d);
                for (int rcnt = 0; rcnt < im.rows()/2; rcnt++) {
                    for (int ccnt = 0; ccnt < im.cols() - 2; ccnt+=2) {
                        a = (float) im2.get(rcnt, ccnt)[0];
                        b = (float) im2.get(rcnt, ccnt+1)[0];
                        c = (float) ((a+b)*0.707);
                        d = (float) ((a-b)*0.707);
                        int _ccnt = ccnt/2;
                        im5.put(rcnt, _ccnt, c);
                        im6.put(rcnt, _ccnt, d);
                imr = Mat.zeros(im.rows(), im.cols(), CvType.CV_32F);//imr = Mat.zeros(512, 512, CvType.CV_32F);
                imd = Mat.zeros(512, 512, CvType.CV_32F);
                im3.copyTo(imd.adjustROI(0, 0, 256, 256));
                im4.copyTo(imd.adjustROI(0, 255, 256, 256));
                im5.copyTo(imd.adjustROI(255, 0, 256, 256));
                im6.copyTo(imd.adjustROI(255, 255, 256, 256));
            }catch(Exception ex){
        private void applyHaarReverse(){
            // ------------------- Reconstruction ------------------- 
                    im11 = Mat.zeros(im.rows()/2, im.cols(), CvType.CV_32F);
                    im12 = Mat.zeros(im.rows()/2, im.cols(), CvType.CV_32F);
                    im13 = Mat.zeros(im.rows()/2, im.cols(), CvType.CV_32F);
                    im14 = Mat.zeros(im.rows()/2, im.cols(), CvType.CV_32F);
                    for (int rcnt = 0; rcnt < im.rows()/2; rcnt++) {
                        for (int ccnt = 0; ccnt < im.cols()/2; ccnt++) {
                            int _ccnt  = ccnt*2;
                            im11.put(rcnt, _ccnt, im3.get(rcnt, ccnt));
                            im12.put(rcnt, _ccnt, im4.get(rcnt, ccnt));
                            im13.put(rcnt, _ccnt, im5.get(rcnt, ccnt));
                            im14.put(rcnt, _ccnt, im6.get(rcnt, ccnt));
                    for (int rcnt = 0; rcnt < im.rows()/2; rcnt++) {
                        for (int ccnt = 0; ccnt < im.cols() - 2; ccnt+=2) {
                            a = (float) im11.get(rcnt, ccnt)[0];
                            b = (float) im12.get(rcnt, ccnt)[0];
                            c = (float) ((a+b)*0.707);
                            im11.put(rcnt, ccnt, c);
                            d = (float) ((a-b)*0.707);
                            im11.put(rcnt, ccnt+1, d);
                            a = (float) im13.get(rcnt, ccnt)[0];
                            b = (float) im14.get(rcnt, ccnt)[0];
                            c = (float) ((a+b)*0.707);
                            im13.put(rcnt, ccnt, c);
                            d = (float) ((a-b)*0.707);
                            im13.put(rcnt, ccnt+1, d);
                    temp = Mat.zeros(im.rows(), im.cols(), CvType.CV_32F);
                    for (int rcnt = 0; rcnt < im.rows()/2; rcnt++) {
                        for (int ccnt = 0; ccnt < im.cols(); ccnt++) {
                            int _rcnt = rcnt*2;
                            imr.put(_rcnt, ccnt, im11.get(rcnt, ccnt));
                            temp.put(_rcnt, ccnt, im13.get(rcnt, ccnt));
                    for (int rcnt = 0; rcnt < im.rows()-2; rcnt+=2) {
                        for (int ccnt = 0; ccnt < im.cols(); ccnt++) {
                            a = (float) imr.get(rcnt, ccnt)[0];
                            b = (float) temp.get(rcnt, ccnt)[0];
                            c = (float) ((a+b)*0.707);
                            imr.put(rcnt, ccnt, c);
                            d = (float) ((a-b)*0.707);
                            imr.put(rcnt+1, ccnt, d);

    Hope it's useful.
