I like to split my vim screen in 3. one :vsplit and one :split. I want these windows and the files I worked on to be saved when I close vim. I also want these windows to aut
I have a muscle-memory habit of typing ":q!", which I haven't been able to shake. This gets very tedious, if I've got multiple buffers open in a vi session. So - what I needed was a way of simply recovering where I was when I accidentally shot myself in the foot. Again.
This is slightly complicated by the fact that I might have multiple ssh sessions open at any one time, each with a different set of buffers/windows open in vi. I needed a way of saving the session separately for each different ssh session.
The solution I came up with builds on 2ck's answer, and is as follows. In your ~/.vimrc:
" tty is unique to the ssh session
let my_full_tty=$SSH_TTY
" scoop the number off the end of it
let my_tty_num = matchstr(my_full_tty, '\d\{1,}$')
" create a unique filename
let g:my_vim_session = "~/vim_session." . my_tty_num
fu! SaveSess()
execute 'mksession! ' . g:my_vim_session
fu! RestoreSess()
let file = expand(g:my_vim_session)
if filereadable(file)
execute 'source ' . g:my_vim_session
autocmd VimLeave * call SaveSess()
" only restore the session if the user has -not- requested a specific filename
autocmd VimEnter * if !argc() | call RestoreSess() | endif
But, of course, I don't want loads of ~/vim_session.? lying around, so I periodically cleanup. (I may re-think this, actually, because what happens if my ssh disconnects unexpectedly? hmmm)
In your .bashrc:
trap ~/bash_exit_script.pl EXIT
and in bash_exit_script.pl:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
my $ssh_tty = $ENV{SSH_TTY};
$ssh_tty =~ /(\d{1,}$)/;
my $my_tty_number = $1;
my $filename = "/home/dominic.pain/vim_session.$my_tty_number";
if(-e $filename) {
print "tried to remove $filename...\n";
system("rm $filename");
else {
print "Couldn't find $filename\n";