firefox add-on vs. extensions vs. plugins

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情书的邮戳 2020-12-12 22:15

I want to write scripts for firefox. It seems that firefox has different terms, like add-on, extensions, plugins. and I have a feeling they\'re not all the same. Can you sum

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-12 22:32

    Extending the Augmentation above

    Extension(s) is ment to extend the functionality of software where a plug-in is ment to solve a problem of the software (to be able to do something it wasent designed to do already).

    both types extends the program abilitys, ... and i guess this is why it can be so comfusing.

    An Extension can be (and often are) a(n) option from the company that made the software (Usually cost money), a plug-in can be from the company that made the software or a third party to add abilities to the software.
