Has anyone had any success in unit testing SQL stored procedures?

前端 未结 16 750
孤街浪徒 2020-12-12 17:38

We’ve found that the unit tests we’ve written for our C#/C++ code have really paid off. But we still have thousands of lines of business logic in stored procedures, which o

  •  时光说笑
    2020-12-12 18:06

    I ran into this same issue a while back and found that if I created a simple abstract base class for data access that allowed me to inject a connection and transaction, I could unit test my sprocs to see if they did the work in SQL that I asked them to do and then rollback so none of the test data is left in the db.

    This felt better than the usual "run a script to setup my test db, then after the tests run do a cleanup of the junk/test data". This also felt closer to unit testing because these tests could be run alone w/out having a great deal of "everything in the db needs to be 'just so' before I run these tests".

    Here is a snippet of the abstract base class used for data access

    Public MustInherit Class Repository(Of T As Class)
        Implements IRepository(Of T)
        Private mConnectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Northwind.ConnectionString").ConnectionString
        Private mConnection As IDbConnection
        Private mTransaction As IDbTransaction
        Public Sub New()
            mConnection = Nothing
            mTransaction = Nothing
        End Sub
        Public Sub New(ByVal connection As IDbConnection, ByVal transaction As IDbTransaction)
            mConnection = connection
            mTransaction = transaction
        End Sub
        Public MustOverride Function BuildEntity(ByVal cmd As SqlCommand) As List(Of T)
        Public Function ExecuteReader(ByVal Parameter As Parameter) As List(Of T) Implements IRepository(Of T).ExecuteReader
            Dim entityList As List(Of T)
            If Not mConnection Is Nothing Then
                Using cmd As SqlCommand = mConnection.CreateCommand()
                    cmd.Transaction = mTransaction
                    cmd.CommandType = Parameter.Type
                    cmd.CommandText = Parameter.Text
                    If Not Parameter.Items Is Nothing Then
                        For Each param As SqlParameter In Parameter.Items
                    End If
                    entityList = BuildEntity(cmd)
                    If Not entityList Is Nothing Then
                        Return entityList
                    End If
                End Using
                Using conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(mConnectionString)
                    Using cmd As SqlCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
                        cmd.CommandType = Parameter.Type
                        cmd.CommandText = Parameter.Text
                        If Not Parameter.Items Is Nothing Then
                            For Each param As SqlParameter In Parameter.Items
                        End If
                        entityList = BuildEntity(cmd)
                        If Not entityList Is Nothing Then
                            Return entityList
                        End If
                    End Using
                End Using
            End If
            Return Nothing
        End Function
    End Class

    next you will see a sample data access class using the above base to get a list of products

    Public Class ProductRepository
        Inherits Repository(Of Product)
        Implements IProductRepository
        Private mCache As IHttpCache
        'This const is what you will use in your app
        Public Sub New(ByVal cache As IHttpCache)
            mCache = cache
        End Sub
        'This const is only used for testing so we can inject a connectin/transaction and have them roll'd back after the test
        Public Sub New(ByVal cache As IHttpCache, ByVal connection As IDbConnection, ByVal transaction As IDbTransaction)
            MyBase.New(connection, transaction)
            mCache = cache
        End Sub
        Public Function GetProducts() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Product) Implements IProductRepository.GetProducts
            Dim Parameter As New Parameter()
            Parameter.Type = CommandType.StoredProcedure
            Parameter.Text = "spGetProducts"
            Dim productList As List(Of Product)
            productList = MyBase.ExecuteReader(Parameter)
            Return productList
        End Function
        'This function is used in each class that inherits from the base data access class so we can keep all the boring left-right mapping code in 1 place per object
        Public Overrides Function BuildEntity(ByVal cmd As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand) As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Product)
            Dim productList As New List(Of Product)
            Using reader As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
                Dim product As Product
                While reader.Read()
                    product = New Product()
                    product.ID = reader("ProductID")
                    product.SupplierID = reader("SupplierID")
                    product.CategoryID = reader("CategoryID")
                    product.ProductName = reader("ProductName")
                    product.QuantityPerUnit = reader("QuantityPerUnit")
                    product.UnitPrice = reader("UnitPrice")
                    product.UnitsInStock = reader("UnitsInStock")
                    product.UnitsOnOrder = reader("UnitsOnOrder")
                    product.ReorderLevel = reader("ReorderLevel")
                End While
                If productList.Count > 0 Then
                    Return productList
                End If
            End Using
            Return Nothing
        End Function
    End Class

    And now in your unit test you can also inherit from a very simple base class that does your setup / rollback work - or keep this on a per unit test basis

    below is the simple testing base class I used

    Imports System.Configuration
    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Data.SqlClient
    Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting
    Public MustInherit Class TransactionFixture
        Protected mConnection As IDbConnection
        Protected mTransaction As IDbTransaction
        Private mConnectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Northwind.ConnectionString").ConnectionString
        Public Sub CreateConnectionAndBeginTran()
            mConnection = New SqlConnection(mConnectionString)
            mTransaction = mConnection.BeginTransaction()
        End Sub
        Public Sub RollbackTranAndCloseConnection()
        End Sub
    End Class

    and finally - the below is a simple test using that test base class that shows how to test the entire CRUD cycle to make sure all the sprocs do their job and that your ado.net code does the left-right mapping correctly

    I know this doesn't test the "spGetProducts" sproc used in the above data access sample, but you should see the power behind this approach to unit testing sprocs

    Imports SampleApplication.Library
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting
    Public Class ProductRepositoryUnitTest
        Inherits TransactionFixture
        Private mRepository As ProductRepository
        Public Sub Should-Insert-Update-And-Delete-Product()
            mRepository = New ProductRepository(New HttpCache(), mConnection, mTransaction)
            '** Create a test product to manipulate throughout **'
            Dim Product As New Product()
            Product.ProductName = "TestProduct"
            Product.SupplierID = 1
            Product.CategoryID = 2
            Product.QuantityPerUnit = "10 boxes of stuff"
            Product.UnitPrice = 14.95
            Product.UnitsInStock = 22
            Product.UnitsOnOrder = 19
            Product.ReorderLevel = 12
            '** Insert the new product object into SQL using your insert sproc **'
            '** Select the product object that was just inserted and verify it does exist **'
            '** Using your GetProductById sproc **'
            Dim Product2 As Product = mRepository.GetProduct(Product.ID)
            Assert.AreEqual("TestProduct", Product2.ProductName)
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Product2.SupplierID)
            Assert.AreEqual(2, Product2.CategoryID)
            Assert.AreEqual("10 boxes of stuff", Product2.QuantityPerUnit)
            Assert.AreEqual(14.95, Product2.UnitPrice)
            Assert.AreEqual(22, Product2.UnitsInStock)
            Assert.AreEqual(19, Product2.UnitsOnOrder)
            Assert.AreEqual(12, Product2.ReorderLevel)
            '** Update the product object **'
            Product2.ProductName = "UpdatedTestProduct"
            Product2.SupplierID = 2
            Product2.CategoryID = 1
            Product2.QuantityPerUnit = "a box of stuff"
            Product2.UnitPrice = 16.95
            Product2.UnitsInStock = 10
            Product2.UnitsOnOrder = 20
            Product2.ReorderLevel = 8
            mRepository.UpdateProduct(Product2) '**using your update sproc
            '** Select the product object that was just updated to verify it completed **'
            Dim Product3 As Product = mRepository.GetProduct(Product2.ID)
            Assert.AreEqual("UpdatedTestProduct", Product2.ProductName)
            Assert.AreEqual(2, Product2.SupplierID)
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Product2.CategoryID)
            Assert.AreEqual("a box of stuff", Product2.QuantityPerUnit)
            Assert.AreEqual(16.95, Product2.UnitPrice)
            Assert.AreEqual(10, Product2.UnitsInStock)
            Assert.AreEqual(20, Product2.UnitsOnOrder)
            Assert.AreEqual(8, Product2.ReorderLevel)
            '** Delete the product and verify it does not exist **'
            '** The above will use your delete product by id sproc **'
            Dim Product4 As Product = mRepository.GetProduct(Product3.ID)
            Assert.AreEqual(Nothing, Product4)
        End Sub
    End Class

    I know this is a long example, but it helped to have a reusable class for the data access work, and yet another reusable class for my testing so I didn't have to do the setup/teardown work over and over again ;)
